The first records of Tagliolo date back to the end of the millennium, when in March 976, Otto I granted the Monferrato as a fief to Marquis Aleramo I. Over the centuries, Tagliolo had various feudal lords, including the Spinola and Doria families, and changed hands from the Republic of Genoa to the Duchy of Milan, the Empire, and Spain. In 1498, Tagliolo was definitively acquired by the Gentile family, who were granted the title of Counts of Tagliolo. In 1750, following the marriage of Teresa Gentile to Costantino Pinelli, the Tagliolo fief passed to the Pinelli Gentile family, with the title of Marquis of Tagliolo.
The dedication of a family
"The Castle and the wines are my passions": this is how Marquis Oberto Pinelli Gentile, alongside his wife Maria Immacolata, his son Luca, and his wife Angela, continues with tireless energy an ancient family tradition.
"The constant pursuit of improvement in quality and the transmission of the authenticity of values are the guiding principles of our work. It is this philosophy that creates a strong continuity between the past, present, and future, binding the Castle of Tagliolo with our family in a harmonious symbiosis."

Shop Online
- La Castagnola – Dolcetto di Ovada DOC 201323,45€
- Grappa di Castagnola26,40€
- Riserva del Marchese Rosè Millesimato 201922,50€
- Castagnola 24 Mesi – Dolcetto di Ovada DOC 201823,80€
- Chiaben – Piemonte DOC 20239,40€
- Grappa di Dolcetto22,80€
- L’In… chino – Dolcetto aromatizzato22,45€
- Gentile – Vino frizzante dolce7,80€
Azienda Agricola Castello di Tagliolo
Via Castello, 1
15050 Tagliolo Monferrato (AL)
Email: castelloditagliolo@libero.it
Tel. +39 0143 89195